Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Rock the Homophobia

Okay, finally get to post after the election.
As some have asked me in the past couple of days: "Um... what happened?"
Short of covert elections fraud, the best election seems to be: homophobia. 

You see, in eleven states (Oregon, Montana, Utah, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Michigan, Mississippi, Kentucky, Ohio, and Georgia) there were ballot measures proposing to ban gay marriage. They all passed overwhelmingly. In addition, all but Oregon voted for Bush. Essentially, since hatred and fear is more mobilizing than tolerance and compassion, and gay haters hate gays much more passionately than rational people tolerate them (how can you be passionately tolerant?) the gay-hating conservatives (and I'm prone to believe there is a lot of homophobia in this country) were mobilized to vote no on gay, and while they were there they voted for president.

Now I'm not an extremist, I'm not saying they moved the guy in office single-handedly, nor am I implying that they, added with big businesses, extreme fundamentalists, the wealthy, or the devil helped George Bush get the presidency. These groups just helped tip the balance in an election that shouldn't have been close. Not because John Kerry was all that great, but because it shouldn't have been difficult to pick someone better than John Kerry as the democratic nominee.
But that's my rant.

Here's a little map I thought of making for this rant.

See how Georgia's all a flip-flopping?
So I haven't mentioned anyone's name in a while in regards to my comments project. Mostly because I've given up on everyone except for Tom Ironmonkey. I guess cartoon people are the really only good ones.
So my roommate likes hanging out with me, which is great because I like hanging out with her. But when I do, I'm not doing homework and so I procrastinate and binge it all on the weekend. But then she's left feeling bored because she wants to hang out with me. To make it all worse, she gets rather pissy about it like I'm being some sort of jerk for doing my homework. So my friend Hélène in Malaysia suggested to me that she get a hobby. But she does have a hobby. It's really a matter of preference. So much love and I don't even know what to do with it.
The previous pictures have skewed my blog. Does anyone know how to fix it? How do I archive my blog?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

See these pages about archiving
