Saturday, April 08, 2017

AE Reads Skiffily Episode 5: "Beneath Impossible Circumstances" by Andrea Kneeland

Time for episode 5 of AE Reads Skiffily, the literature podcast that features science fiction stories read out loud with sound effects. This science fiction podcast features speculative fiction stories that inspire readers and listeners everywhere. Episode 5 is a little shorter than some of the other episodes, but still contains a full story for your listening pleasure.

This episode’s story is "Beneath Impossible Circumstances" by Andrea Kneeland. The story was first published at Strange Horizons in April of 2012 and features a troubled lesbian couple. Previously on AE Reads Skiffily, I included Mona (@sewagainstthegrain) to read the dialogue of different female parts, and I am continuing the practice for episode 5. However, as was the case with episode 1, this story contains a female narrator. Because I wanted two different voices for the two characters, I am voicing this narrator who is also more than likely female. I hope that won't be confusing to anyone. I say that the narrator is "more than likely" female because this character is a cyborg (or biomechanical) and this is the future. Mona and I had a conversation about this after we read the story. Could it be that this is some sort of transgender cyborg? Maybe gender is less meaningful in the future. I suppose that is something you will have to decide for yourself after reading and listening to the story.

Get your headphones ready, activate your Bluetooth™, rev your engines, and reticulate your splines to get ready for the next installment of this science fiction podcast. Because I am still using Podomatic as a hosting site, you have the freedom to listen in a number of ways. You can click the play button below or download the sound file to your computer and/or phone (runtime 0:14:14). Podomatic also has an app that you can use, which I am sure have benefits that I don't know about.

As a warning to parents and delicate Victorian ladies, episode 5 includes some issues of sexuality and dead cyborg birds. There is also some ominous-sounding wind, if you believe that wind can sound ominous. Then again, there is also this really cute kitten that mewls throughout the episode. So it's a wash.

Once again, I thank you all for listening to my podcast and feel free to leave comments, whether to give your thoughts on the story (like, are these lesbians or what?), the audio, or express your support. Shoot, I will even take suggestions for stories if there is one you would like to hear.

If you like the sound of Mona's voice (but not too much, because she's my girlfriend), you can follow her on Instagram (@sewingagainsthegrain). You can follow my podcast by going here and clicking the "follow" button. You can also to subscribe to me on iTunes. If you are an inspired artist, please share a link to your art on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook, either tagging me (@SkiffilyPodcast) or using hashtag #skiffily. You can also find me on Tumblr here. Happy listening. Keep drawing and keep reading!

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